Friday, November 13, 2015

If you are reading this, chances are you are a friend of one of My Breakfast Club members (read more here) - a group of us who get together, one-on-one, every 4 to 6 weeks to connect and talk about the stuff of our lives. Or, perhaps you have come upon this blog serendipitously. In either case, this is an invitation to be part of a conversation that you might enjoy.

Each Monday, I will put up some of my thoughts to get us started; something about me or what is relevant at this moment in my life. And then I'll ask you to share some of thoughts about yourself and life. I'll then close with a question that hopefully you will be willing to answer. Or you might want to change the conversation, or ask your own question.

My hope is that we can build an ongoing conversation that is engaging and satisfying to us both. Hope you are willing to give it a try. See below...

A friend of mine asked me one of those put-you-on-the-spot questions: ""What are you right now?"  Huh! I backed up at bit  and pondered my reply, I guess you could say I'm am a retired pilgrim." Then I added, "I'm currently working on being a lover (of all whom I meet), but today I think who I am can best be captured in a poem by Emily Dickinson at"
How would you answer such a question?


  1. I would say, I suppose, I am a searcher. Still trying to refine my path through this place. Would be nice if I had it all figured out - but I don't. So I try to be content with the ongoing search.

  2. Thank you Austin for this initiative, and the question. What surprised me was how easy it was for me to answer. Right now. This sort of question would normally have me panicking, fumbling around, and scratching my head. But not this time. And that must be a good sign.

    I am with the flow. I am doing what nature intended. I am with those I need to be with. I am happy with who I am. I am becoming me.

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  4. Your question - what are you right now? Actually intrigued me. Every moment is officially occupied by me doing something and there are not enough moments to complete what needs to be done. I help people develop social and
    environmental projects and I design and create spiritual and well-being gardens specialising in labyrinths.
    But what I am right now? I have always been a non-conformist. School actually encouraged us to be different - if we wanted to be. I took that opportunity to the extreme. Doing things differently and having a different approach to things and life. Possibly as I get older a more loving
    non-conformist as I encourage people to consider the only 2 important things in life: happiness and thankfulness. So what am I right now - a loving non-conformist.

  5. right now? a witness and the witnessed.
